27 August 2018

Thought for the Day – Monday

Each morning this week, Graham Nicholls, our Director, is offering the Thought for the Day on Premier Christian Radio and Premier Praise. You can hear the Thought for the Day around 7.20am on Premier Christian Radio and 7.40am on Premier Praise.


Below is the text of what Graham shared this morning:

Ephesians is a letter to Christians who have been chosen, loved, adopted and given new life by God the Father, by connecting us with Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

In chapter 4, beginning at verse 25, we get some practical instructions mostly around the area of how we should speak to each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Verse 25 says “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbour, for we are all members of one body.”

We must put of falsehood. At worst, we may straightforward lie to our neighbours – sometimes because of pride; sometime so that we don’t damage a relationship; sometimes it’s to gain an advantage. But I think more often we are just false in presenting ourselves. We can pretend we are fine when people ask us, when actually we are dying inside. We can say nice things to people and horrible things about them to others. We can create a persona on social media that is not the real us – it’s who we want others to think we are.

But Paul reminds us that we are all part of the one body – the church. When we speak falsely we damage ourselves, the body. When we speak truth we nourish and cherish the body.

Listen to what Graham said here.


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