Update on Affinity and The Gospel Coalition UK
A plea to the new Labour government
A call to pray for the UK General Election
Seeking partners to promote broader and deeper church unity
A New View for a New Day – an introduction to Daylight’s new CEO
Exploring lessons learnt from the pandemic
Open Letter to Rishi Sunak about the proposed ban on “conversion therapy”
Affinity’s Annual Financial Report 2022
Affinity’s response to allegations of pastoral malpractice in the wider evangelical UK Christian community
Does government ‘do God?’ – a UK government report
Church leaders urge Scottish Government to rethink ‘conversion therapy’ plans which could “criminalise innocent Christians”
Challenging Leaders launched: a new practical resource for churches
Why does it matter that the Church of England is going to bless same-sex relationships?
Church of England Bishop’s statement on marriage proposes doctrinal stretch
Launch of Challenging Leaders
The prayer calendar for July 2022 is now available