
Issue No 61
Autumn 2011
Welcome to the second online edition of Foundations which is available in both pdf and html formats.
This issue of Foundations offers a range of articles and reviews which will be of interest to our readers. Dan Strange’s article is the substance of the paper that he gave at the Affinity Theological Studies Conference in February 2011. John Legg provides a provocative exegesis of the parable of The Good Samaritan. Thorsten Prill identifies key issues in world mission today and challenges churches, missions and missionaries to be caught up in a missionary movement with God. Ralph Cunnington provides a critique of the views of Francis Turretin on the authority of Scripture. Eryl Davies provides a detailed review of a number of recent books dealing with the doctrine of the Trinity. There are also a number of other book reviews.
We are pleased to announce the appointment of a new editor for Foundations. Ralph Cunnington has accepted our invitation to be the new editor and will take up his responsibilities in September 2012. Ralph studied at WEST and Westminster Seminary (London) and is now on the pastoral team at Aigburth Community Church, Liverpool. Before being called to the ministry he lectured in Law at Durham, Birmingham, Melbourne and the University of Western Ontario, authoring books and articles on various aspects of private law. He is married to Anna and they have 3 children.
Not Ashamed! The Sufficiency of Scripture for Public Theology
Dan Strange
Lecturer in Culture, Religion, and Public Theology at Oak Hill College, London
John Legg
Retired pastor with over forty years experience in North Yorkshire and Shrewsbury
Thorsten Prill
Senior Lecturer in Missiology and Systematic Theology at Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary, Windhoek
Ralph Cunnington
Assistant Minister, Aigburth Community Church, Liverpool and Research Associate at the Wales Evangelical School of Theology
Dr D Eryl Davies
Research Supervisor and former Principal at WEST; former editor of Foundations
Guy Davies
Pastor of Penknap Providence Church, Westbury, Wiltshire, UK
Paul Spear
Pastor of Gadebridge Baptist Church, Hemel Hempstead, Herts., UK
Dr Robert Letham
Director of Research and Lecturer, Wales Evangelical School of Theology, Bridgend, UK
Issue 61
Autumn 2011
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Foundations is an international journal of evangelical theology published by Affinity.
Its aim is to cover contemporary theological issues by articles and reviews, taking in exegesis, biblical theology, church history and apologetics, and to indicate their relevance to pastoral ministry. Its particular focus is the theology of evangelical churches which are committed to biblical truth and evangelical ecumenism. It has been published by Affinity (formerly The British Evangelical Council) from its inception as a print journal. It became a digital journal in May 2011.
It is published twice each year online.
It is offered in two formats:
- PDF (for citing pagination) and
- HTML (for greater accessibility, usability, and infiltration in search engines).
Peter Milsom
Associate Editors:
Ted Donnelly
Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church, Newtownabbey
Iain D Campbell
Free Church of Scotland, Point, and Westminster Seminary
Dan Strange
Oak Hill College, London
Garry Williams
The John Owen Centre, London Theological Seminary
Peter Williams
Tyndale House, Cambridge
Foundations is copyrighted by Affinity. Readers are free to use it and circulate it in digital form without further permission (any print use requires further written permission), but they must acknowledge the source and, of course, not change the content.