
Issue No 81
Autumn 2021
Donald John MacLean
The Hopes and Fears of all the Years: The Future of the Church in this Present Age
Rupert Bentley-Taylor
Emmanuel Church, Bath
“With Me in Paradise” – Questions About the So-Called “Intermediate State”: Is it Biblical and it is Pastorally Helpful?
Paul Yeulett
Minister, Grove Chapel, London
The End is Not the Beginning… In Fact, Not Even the End
Michael Horton
Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
All Israel will be Saved: The Future of “Israel” with particular reference to Romans 11:26a
Gareth Burke
Minister, Stranmillis Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Ireland
The Business of Heaven
Paul Mallard
Pastor, Widcombe Baptist Church, Bath
Book Reviews
The Sacrifice of Praise: Meditations Before and After Admission to the Lord’s Supper
Herman Bavinck (Timothy McGlynn)
The Journey to the Mayflower: God’s Outlaws and the Invention of Freedom
Stephen Tomkins (Guy Davies)
The Triune God (New Studies in Dogmatics)
Fred Sanders (Guy Davies)
None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God
Matthew Barrett (Guy Davies)
The History of Christianity in Britain and Ireland: From the First Century to the Twenty-First
Gerald Bray (Gary Brady)
John Piper (Gary Brady)
Issue 81
Autumn 2021
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Foundations is an international journal of evangelical theology published in the United Kingdom. Its aim is to cover contemporary theological issues by articles and reviews, taking in exegesis, biblical theology, church history and apologetics, and to indicate their relevance to pastoral ministry. Its particular focus is the theology of evangelical churches which are committed to biblical truth and evangelical ecumenism. It has been published by Affinity (formerly The British Evangelical Council) from its inception as a print journal. It became a digital journal in April 2011.
It is published twice each year online and is offered in two formats:
- PDF (for citing pagination) and
- HTML (for greater accessibility, usability, and infiltration in search engines).
Donald John MacLean
Associate Editors:
Bob Fyall
Cornhill Training Course (Scotland)
Jamie A. Grant
Vice-Principal (Academic), Highland Theological College
David McKay
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland
Dan Strange
Oak Hill College, London
Ted Turnau
Anglo-American University, Prague & Union School of Theology
Keith Walker
International Strategic Development Director, SIM International
Paul Wells
Emeritus Professor, Faculté Jean Calvin, Aix-en-Provence, France
Garry Williams
The John Owen Centre, London Seminary
Peter Williams
Tyndale House, Cambridge
Alistair Wilson
Edinburgh Theological Seminary
Book Review Editor:
Matthew Evans
Foundations is copyrighted by Affinity. Readers are free to use it and circulate it in digital form without further permission (any print use requires further written permission), but they must acknowledge the source and, of course, not change the content.
The views expressed in the articles published in Foundations do not necessarily represent the views of Affinity or its partners although all content must be within the bounds of the Affinity Doctrinal Basis.
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